Monday, January 31, 2011


Hungry for a drink, but half past full,
a bottle of ketel one and a jar of pickle juice are on standby.

Stomache grumbles, staples in your smile, malodorous
maladjusted mommies mummified for miles.

I feel tired and twined, left behind and begotten.
Unsettled, hog-swallowed, hindranced, harpied and hollow.

Making up words, slaying slews of birds, bitchslapping them out of the sky,
scoring scarves, carving dwarves, harboring hordes of whores,
adoring adorable adorned dorm room doors.

I miss Alan.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Caramel dreams have hot cocoa nightmares
and those with expensive weddings tend to have cheap, dirty affairs.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I am so goddamn bored that I could eat my own foot.


This whole moving thing is crazy and I just want somewhere that I can put my stuff, take a shower, have a real pillow, and put my energy because right now I'm kind of a pre-teen ejaculating:

This shit is going. everywhere.

But nowhere that will produce anything useful in the future.
Nah mean?


Peedle and poke,
this world is a joke,
this world has no knees,
this wind has no breeze.

I'm dying, I'm not,
am I a robot?
Can I have new eyes?
Can I have two tries?

Who bought this land and is that your real hand
It took me nine seasons to realize the reason
I was watching X files, it was Mulder all the while.

So I watched Californication and my life is good again,
but really it's not, I'm just full of snot.

I'm lost and who knows how deep this hole goes,
who cares and who needs it, not like Sarah Palin's gonna read it.

But then again she reads blogs and slams pajamas while she wears clogs
She signed an x box and killed a hog before she went for a jog.

(Yeah, but really, I have no idea if she wears clogs or killed a hog or jogs or if she even reads blogs....Maybe she just had someone read them to her. Maybe she hired some poor shmuck to read all of the nasty things that people said about her on the internet and then paid him/her to let her punch them)

Winter is lame and life is a game
the snow can suck my dick
and a hoe can suck a trick

a hoe can suck a john
until the snow is gone
and I can punch my face
while you get to second base

I'm supposed to get a job
now that I've a diploma
but i'd rather write and rot
and suck down my Coca-Soma

heat riot, street quiet
keys conduit ease onto it
give her hell
don't ring my bell

Just open wide
I'll come inside
my mind is dirty
it's past seven thirty

Man, I need a new laptop.